Aaron Ding, PhD

Director, & Horizon SPATIAL €5M
Senior Associate Professor (UHD1), TU Delft
Associate Professor, University of Helsinki
Editorial Board, ACM Transactions on IoT
Editorial Board, Springer Nature Computing
Founder, FCN Series
Founder, ACM EdgeSys

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Email: Aaron.Ding (at) tudelft.nl


Aaron Ding is leading the Cyber Physical Intelligence (CPI) Lab as Tenured Senior Associate Professor (UHD1 Ius Promovendi) at TU Delft and Associate Professor (permanent) in Computer Science at University of Helsinki. He has over 18 years top R&D practices in EU, Switzerland, UK and USA. Prior to TU Delft, he has worked at TU Munich with Jörg Ott, at University of Cambridge with Jon Crowcroft, at Columbia University with Henning Schulzrinne. He has sabbatical at ETH Zürich with Adrian Perrig and is mentored by inspirational scholars. His PhD is with Sasu Tarkoma and Jon Crowcroft. Funded by the Nokia Foundation, vital part of his PhD programme is completed at University of Cambridge and Columbia University in New York.

Aaron is EU Horizon Coordinator and Marie Curie Principal Investigator. Focusing on interconnected Edge AI systems, he has won substantial EU grants (€5M+€5.5M) to lead a series of R&D projects in tight collaboration with industrial companies of Nokia, Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom, Broadcom, Telia, NEC, Telefónica. He has supervised 100+ students and served as PhD examiner for many institutions including University of Cambridge, TU Munich, Aalto University, Rotterdam Erasmuc MC. For contributing to mobile edge computing with a dedicated book and 100+ peer reviewed publications, he has received best paper awards and recognition from ACM SIGCOMM, ACM EdgeSys, ACM SenSys CCIoT, IEEE INFOCOM. Besides "Staff Member of the Year" award at University of Helsinki, he is the founder of ACM EdgeSys, Associate Editor for ACM TIOT, IEEE ITS, and Springer Nature Journal on Computing. As co-founder, he initiated the FCN series to promote collaborations between top European and Asian institutes, including Cambridge, Helsinki, London, Amsterdam, Munich, Vienna, Tsinghua, Peking and Fudan. He has served on chairing and programme committee for prestigious conferences, including ACM SIGCOMM, ACM WWW, ACM UbiComp, ACM MobiCom, ACM MobiSys, ACM CoNEXT, ACM SenSys, ACM e-Energy, ACM/IEEE SEC, IEEE INFOCOM, and IEEE ICDCS. He is a recipient of the esteemed Nokia Foundation Personal Grants.


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Delft is Cool

After moving to Delft, my wife and I have discovered lots of fun here. Comparing to Munich and Helsinki (both we really love), Delft is cozy, discreet, artistic and culture dignifying. It features many bridges, river passages, and a soothing atmosphere, very much like Cambridge. While comparing with New York City, Delft is quiet and peaceful but of no less energy, thanks to all the young and entrepreneurial students in this famous university town.

Some of my photo collections:  Life at TU Delft