Aaron Ding, PhD

Director, & H2020 SPATIAL (€5M)
Associate Professor (Ius Promovendi), TU Delft
Associate Professor, University of Helsinki
Editorial Board, ACM Transactions on IoT
Editorial Board, IEEE Journal OJ-ITS
Editorial Board, Springer Nature Computing
Founder, ACM EdgeSys

Google Scholar    LinkedIn 
Email: Aaron.Ding (at) tudelft.nl

More than Miscellaneous

 "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." -- James Howell

It's too easy nowadays to forget about the busy trap in academia. Frankly speaking, a balanced academic life is not a slogan, but all about what we choose to do. Here I jot down some of my casual pieces accumulated over the years. Feel free to ping me if you spot any broken links or have good suggestions.

Some updates also appear on: Twitter, Blogger, and Linkedin

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