Aaron Ding, PhD

Director, & Horizon SPATIAL €5M
Senior Associate Professor (UHD1), TU Delft
Associate Professor, University of Helsinki
Editorial Board, ACM Transactions on IoT
Editorial Board, Springer Nature Computing
Founder, FCN Series
Founder, ACM EdgeSys

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Email: Aaron.Ding (at) tudelft.nl

Mentor for Life

 "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." -- Isaac Newton

  • Paulien Herder: for reminding me all the best and beautiful things in academic life, especially amid tough dark times
  • Catholijn Jonker: for inspiring new and exciting directions to explore, like SPATIAL
  • Bart van Arem: for demonstrating alive how academic scholar can foster and uphold the community
  • Inald Lagendijk: for unveiling hidden norms, traps, and crucial blind spots in establishing leadership
  • Martijn Warnier: for showing the path to live and succeed in a multidisciplinary faculty
  • Cees de Laat: for illuminating different sides and shades of Dutch academia
  • Maarten van Steen: for cultivating exquisite taste of scholar lifestyle, with focus and pace

 Sincere Gratitude

I owe my whole life to these brilliant minds who encourage, endorse, and empower me to see the hope inside myself.