Aaron Ding, PhD

Director, & H2020 SPATIAL (€5M)
Associate Professor (Ius Promovendi), TU Delft
Associate Professor, University of Helsinki
Editorial Board, ACM Transactions on IoT
Editorial Board, IEEE Journal OJ-ITS
Editorial Board, Springer Nature Computing
Founder, ACM EdgeSys

Google Scholar    LinkedIn 
Email: Aaron.Ding (at) tudelft.nl

Service Highlight

 "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." -- Winston Churchill

I have been contributing to numerous scientific communities in terms of editorship, chairing, refereeing, and programme committee. As the founder of ACM EdgeSys and FCN series since 2014, I have been building and strengthening the international community to promote active collaborations between top institutes including Cambridge, Copenhagen, Delft, Helsinki, London, Berlin, Munich, Oslo, Stockholm, Vienna, MPI, IMEC, EPFL, HKUST, Tsinghua, Peking, Fudan. I value the engagement with international scholars from different backgrounds and cultures. Along the way, I host, visit and collaborate with many distinguished colleagues across Europe, Asia, and North America.

I am an active member with chair, referee and executive commitment for ACM, IEEE, Springer Nature, and IETF.


Academic Services

 Editorial Board

  • Springer Nature Journal on Computing, 2024 ~ present
  • ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT), 2021 ~ present
  • IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (OJ-ITS), 2019 ~ present

 Grant Referee

  • European Union CHIST-ERA: Sustainable ICT Calls
  • Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council: Personal Grant Calls
  • German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: Personal Grant Calls
  • Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG): AI for Green Calls
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF): National Centre of Competence Research Calls
  • UCL Research Council: Concerted Research Actions Calls

 Research Leadership

  • Host of NWO flagship ICT.OPEN Responsible Digital Society 2024, NL
  • Host of two Dagstuhl series on "Edge AI", Germany
  • Host of two Lorentz series on "Future Computing", NL
  • Host of ACM EdgeSys 2024, Athens, Greece
  • Host of ACM EdgeSys 2023, Rome, Italy
  • Host of ACM EdgeSys 2022, Rennes, France
  • Host of ACM EdgeSys 2021, Edinburgh, UK
  • Host of ACM EdgeSys 2020, Crete, Greece
  • Host of ACM EdgeSys 2019, Dresden, Germany
  • Founder of ACM EdgeSys 2018, Munich, Germany

 Chairing Committee

  • IEEE EDGE 2025 [General Chair]
  • ACM MobiSys 2025 [Travel Grant Chair]
  • ACM e-Energy 2025 [Publicity Chair]
  • ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) 2024 [Program Committee Chair]
  • ACM SenSys 2024 [Publicity Chair]
  • ACM IoT 2024 [Publicity Chair]
  • ACM APSys 2024 [Publicity Chair]
  • ACM IoT 2023 [Program Committee Chair]
  • ACM SIGCOMM 2023 [Publicity Chair]
  • ACM MobiSys 2023 [Sponsorship Chair]
  • ACM/IEEE SEC 2023 [Best Paper Committee]
  • EU Marie Curie APROPOS ITN Workshop 2023 [General Chair]
  • ACM SIGCOMM 2022 [Publicity Chair]
  • ACM IoT 2022 [Workshop Program Chair]
  • ACM SIGCOMM 2021 [Virtual Experience Chair, SRC Committee]
  • ACM UbiComp 2021 [Finance Chair]
  • ACM CoNEXT 2021 [Publication Chair]
  • ACM HotNets 2021 [Publicity Chair]
  • IEEE World Forum on IoT 2021 [Special Session Chair]
  • ACM MobiSys 2020 [Finance Chair, Poster Award Committee]
  • ACM MobiCom 2020 [Travel Grant Chair]
  • ACM MobileHCI DatEthics 2020 [Program Committee Chair]
  • ACM MobiSys 2018 [Finance Chair]
  • IEEE INFOCOM HotPOST 2018 [Program Committee Chair]
  • IEEE PerCom PerCrowd 2018 [Publicity Chair]
  • IEEE INFOCOM GI 2016 [Publicity Chair]
  • ACM MobiSys PhD 2014 [Program Committee Chair]
  • ACM UbiComp | Pervasive 2010 [Organizing Committee]

 Executive Commitment

  • Executive Committee for TU Delft Power Web Institute, 2019 ~ present
  • Tenured Staff Representative for TU Delft Faculty Evaluation, 2023
  • Faculty Hiring Committee for TU Delft, 2021 - 2023
  • Committee for TU Delft Works Council, 2019 - 2023
  • Faculty Graduation Coordinator for TU Delft, 2018 - 2021
  • Scientific Staff Representative for TU Munich 5-Year Evaluation, 2017
  • Board of IEEE ComSoc Young Professionals, 2016 - 2018
  • Executive Committee for IEEE Finland, 2014 - 2015
  • PhD Representative for HIIT Advisory Board Evaluation, 2012
  • PhD Representative for Helsinki Faculty of Science Evaluation, 2011

 Journal Referee

  • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN)
  • IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM)
  • IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TOCCN)
  • IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine (IEM)
  • IEEE Communications Magazine (COMMAG)
  • IEEE Network (NETMAG)
  • IEEE Wireless Communications (WCM)
  • IEEE Pervasive Computing (PC)
  • IEEE Communications Letters (CL)
  • IEEE Access
  • ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR)
  • Elsevier Journal on Computer Networks (COMNET)
  • Elsevier Journal on Computer Communications (COMCOM)
  • Elsevier Journal on Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC)
  • Elsevier Journal on Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOC)
  • Springer Nature Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET)
  • Springer Nature Journal on Wireless Networks (WINE)
  • Open Transactions on Communication Systems (OTCS)
  • EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (JWCN)

 Program Committee (TPC)

  • IEEE ICDCS 2025, Glasgow, Scotland UK
  • IEEE PerCom PerFail 2025, Washington DC, USA
  • ACM Web Conference (WWW) 2024, Singapore
  • ACM CoNEXT 2024, Los Angeles, USA
  • IEEE INFOCOM 2024, Vancouver, Canada
  • ACM MobiSys NetAISys 2024, Tokyo, Japan
  • IEEE PerCom PerFail 2024, Biarritz, France
  • ACM CoNEXT 2023, Paris, France
  • ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) 2023, Wilmington, USA
  • ACM MobiSys NetAISys 2023, Helsinki, Finland
  • ACM/IEEE SEC Trustworthy Edge Computing 2023, Wilmington, USA
  • IEEE PerCom PerFail 2023, Atlanta, USA
  • ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) 2022, Seattle, USA
  • IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM) 2022, Paphos, Cyprus
  • IEEE IC2E 2022, California, USA
  • IEEE/IFIP WONS 2022, Oppdal, Norway
  • IFIP Networking 2022, Catania, Italy
  • ACM/IEEE SEC Trustworthy Edge Computing 2022, Seattle, USA
  • IEEE PerCom PerFail 2022, Pisa, Italy
  • ACM SIGCOMM SRC 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • ACM CoNEXT 2021, Munich, Germany
  • ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) 2021, San Jose, USA
  • IFIP Networking 2021, Helsinki, Finland
  • IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC) 2021, Melbourne, Australia
  • ACM/IEEE SEC Trustworthy Edge Computing 2021, San Jose, USA
  • ACM MobiCom Poster SRC 2020, London, UK
  • ACM SIGCOMM SPIN 2020, New York, USA
  • IEEE ICC 2020, Dublin, Ireland
  • IEEE PerCom PerCrowd 2020, Austin, USA
  • IEEE ICDCS NMIC 2020, Singapore
  • IEEE CSCN 2019, Granada, Spain
  • IEEE NetSys 2019, Munich, Germany
  • ACM CoNEXT ENCP 2019, Orlando, USA
  • IEEE INFOCOM HotSALSA 2019, Paris, France
  • IEEE PerCom PerCrowd 2019, Kyoto, Japan
  • IEEE ICDE DASC 2019, Macau SAR
  • IEEE IPDPS BDDMC 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • IEEE CSCN 2018, Paris, France
  • ACM SIGCOMM MECOMM 2018, Budapest, Hungary
  • ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop 2018, Crete, Greece
  • IEEE ICPADS 2018, Singapore
  • IJCAI AI4IoT 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
  • ISOC NDSS DISS 2018, San Diego, USA
  • EAI MobiCASE 2018, Osaka, Japan
  • ACM SIGCOMM MobiArch 2017, Los Angeles, USA
  • ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop 2017, Seoul, South Korea
  • IEEE ICDCS HotPOST 2017, Atlanta, USA
  • IJCAI AI4IoT 2017, Melbourne, Australia
  • Springer Nature HotSpatial 2017, Beijing, China
  • Springer Nature ICA3PP 2017, Helsinki, Finland
  • IFIP Networking 2016, Vienna, Austria
  • ACM CoNEXT 2015 (Shadow TPC), Heidelberg, Germany
  • ACM EuroSys 2015 (Shadow TPC), Bordeaux, France

Community Consolidation

Scholar Hosting

Professional Services

 International and National

 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)