Bridge Networking Research and Internet Standardization: Case Study on Mobile Traffic Offloading and IPv6 Transition Technologies


The gap between networking research communities and Internet
standardization organizations (SDOs) has been growing over the
years, which has drawn attention from both academic and industrial
sides due to its detrimental impact. The reason behind this widening
gap is complex and typically beyond the mere technology ground. In this
position paper we share our perspectives toward this challenge based on
our hands-on experience obtained from joint projects with universities
and companies. We highlight the lessons learned, covering both successful
and under-performed cases, and further suggest viable solutions to
bridge the gap between networking research and Internet standardization,
aiming to promote and maximize the outcome of such collaborative


 author = {Ding, Aaron Yi and Korhonen, Jouni and Savolainen, Teemu aand Kojo, Markku and Tarkoma, Sasu and Crowcroft, Jon},
 title = {Bridge Networking Research and Internet Standardization: Case Study on Mobile Traffic Offloading and IPv6 Transition Technologies},
 booktitle = {In IAB Workshop on Internet Technology Adoption and Transition (ITAT)},
 series = {IAB ITAT '13},
 year = {2013},
 location = {University of Cambridge, UK},
How to cite:

A. Y. Ding, J. Korhonen, T. Savolainen, M. Kojo, S. Tarkoma, and J. Crowcroft. Bridge Networking Research and Internet Standardization: Case Study on Mobile Traffic Offloading and IPv6 Transition Technologies. In IAB Workshop on Internet Technology Adoption and Transition (ITAT), December. 2013.