IEEE ICC 2012 Speeding up IPv6 Transition: Discovering NAT64 and Learning Prefix for IPv6 Address Synthesis Abstract: During the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 hosts in IPv6-only networks need to communicate with IPv4 hosts as most of the Internet services are not yet supporting IPv6. Hosts with IPv6 access would benefit from discovering the presence of NAT64 and learning a prefix needed for IPv6 address synthesis. We propose two mechanisms and systematically evaluate the existing solutions in this area. Based on our comparison of the existing solutions and practical implementation experience, we recommend the heuristic discovery method which is now adopted in the IETF transition toolbox for the IPv6 Internet. Pre-camera PDFBibTeX:![]()
@INPROCEEDINGS{DING:ICC2012, author={Y. Ding and T. Savolainen and J. Korhonen and M. Kojo}, booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)}, title={Speeding up IPv6 Transition: Discovering NAT64 and Learning Prefix for IPv6 Address Synthesis}, year={2012}, pages={6862-6868}, doi={10.1109/ICC.2012.6364825}, ISSN={1550-3607}, }How to cite:
Y. Ding, T. Savolainen, J. Korhonen and M. Kojo, "Speeding up IPv6 Transition: Discovering NAT64 and Learning Prefix for IPv6 Address Synthesis", In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Ottawa, ON, 2012, pp. 6862-6868.